Urban art in eco-friendly mosaic tile on the façades of Calle del Sol, Santander

Four artists participated in “Mosaicos al Sol” | Photo: Javier Vila

Urban art arrives in Santander’s Calle del Sol in the form of mosaic tile, thanks to the work of five artists who have transformed some of the most emblematic facades, filling them with colour, creativity and symbolism. The works, recreated in Hisbalit eco-friendly mosaic tile, toy with the viewer’s perception and invite us to reflect on our current social paradigm.

The “Mosaics in the Sun” art project is part of the annual solstice celebrations of the Sol Cultural Association, produced by Javier Vila in coordination with the photographer Javier Lamela and artist Nacho 7 Pies, who participated in the initiative along with four other Cantabrian artists: Antonio Díaz Grande, Laucky Rodríguez, Lucía Ezquerra and Puchi Incera.

Hisbalit was thrilled to participate in the project which combines art, colour, design and creativity, the hallmarks of the company. The works were all created using Hisbalit mosaic tile, a local product that is both eco-friendly and durable, with a life-span of 35 to 40 years. Hisbalit mosaic tiles have been used in many urban art projects throughout the region, including the stairs on Calle de los Aguayos in Santander, as part of the Desvelarte Urban Art Festival.

‘Frito’ by Laucky Rodríguez, ‘Oso’ by 7 Pies «Extinción 2.0” by Lucía Ezquerra, «Revólver» by Puchi Incera and «Regresar también es partir» by Antonio Díaz Grande| | Photos: Javier Vila

Designs created in mosaic tile

Five regional artists were given the challenge to create their works of art in Hisbalit mosaic tile and their creative imagination. To bring their work to life they used the personalisation service Art Factory Hisbalit which offers an infinite range of possibilities in colours, textures, formats and finishes. At our traditional tile factory in Soto de la Marina, Hisbalit’s design team installed each tesserae by hand, piece by piece, sheet by sheet, like a giant puzzle to great a great piece of mosaic art.