It’s the time for change and “great beginnings” | MODEH 6


It’s the time for change and “great beginnings”…We present MODEH 6!

In this edition we invite you to journey through the history of architecture, discovering essential forms that are “more in fashion than ever”. Minimalism, simplicity and clean lines are back… and we’ve decided to give a new interpretation in our latest collection, in rectangular format for the first time! Although the official launch is in 2019 we want you to be the first to get a preview!

More news? We’re returning to CERSAIE, the most internationally renowned trade fair of the sector. Care to join us?

We will also be participating in CasaCor Peru. We love to travel and experience all the wold has to offer!

Returning to our country, we give you a very special interview: an exclusive talk with the deluxe interior designer Raúl Martins, whose style is an eclectic mix of the classic and the contemporary. We’ve been fortunate to work with him in the past and he has given us his view of the future trends in interior design for 2019.

Ready for even more? We’ll show you inspired projects, prestigious awards and lots of new ideas!

It’s time to read and enjoy  MODEH 6!